Hard Rock Casino Northern Indiana With 1,700 slots and 80 table games, Hard Rock Casino Northern Indiana is ready to rock! This state-of-the-art casino also offers world-class dining and live entertainment. 온라인카지노사이트 The casino’s revenues have outperformed those of the Horseshoe and Majestic Star casinos that it replaced in northwest Indiana along Interstate 80/94 at Burr Street. Slot machines The casino features a wide variety of slot machines and table games, all with rock-and-roll vibes. The casino also offers a full menu of dining options. You can also find live music performances on the Hard Rock stage. The Gary location is home to the birthplace of the Jackson 5, so you can expect a lot of memorabilia associated with the family. The new expansion expands the gaming floor by about a third, offering more slots and table games. This new space allows the casino to offer a wider mix of popular games, and it also improves sight lines for guests viewing the rock memorabilia displays. Th...